Carroll County
Sheriff's Office
Delphi, Indiana
Mobile Version Like us on Facebook!

Crime Tips HOTline
(765) 564-2413
Ext. 1

or Submit Via Email

(765) 564-2413
(24 hours)
Dispatch: Ext 1
Jail: Ext 2
Administration: Ext 3

Dial 911

310 W. Main Street
Delphi, Indiana 46923

Admin Office Hours:
M-F 8:00am - 11:45am
1:00pm - 5:00pm

Jail Division

Below is some helpful information that may be needed if your loved one is incarcerated:


Money orders can be dropped off at the jail 24 hours a day. No payroll or personal checks will be accepted, and please do not mail cash. 


To schedule a Video Visit from home or outside the jail:

You will need: A computer or internet enabled mobile device with a speaker, camera, and high speed internet. 

Set Up Account/Schedule Visit:

Step 1: Go to!/login

Step 2: Create or login to your InmateSales account

Step 3: Select New Purchase $

Step 4: Choose your facility and a product (remote or onsite visit)

Step 5: Enter personal information

Step 6: Purchase minutes

Step 7: Schedule visit

Step 8: To visit with a Mobile Devie, download the app, login and visit

Apple Mobile Devices (iphone & ipad): please use Inmate Sales App in the App Store.

Windows & Mac computers: Please use Chrome Browser

Android Mobile Devices: Please use Chrome Browser 



Inmate phones:

Inmates can make collect calls, buy a phone card off of commissary, a loved one can add time through a kiosk in our public lobby, or you can set up an account with:

You can also call Combined Public Communications at 877-988-5678 and they will assist you in adding money for inmate phone calls. 

If you need a refund or are having trouble, please call 877-570-4268 / 2

Inmate Mail:

Address any mail to the inmate, 310 W Main Delphi, IN 46923

There is a limit of five pictures per card or letter. Any pictures with any form of pornography, drug paraphernalia, gang affiliiations, or guns will not be allowed. They will be placed with the inmates property. 

No pictures with any crayons, colored pencils, markers applied will be allowed. They will be placed with the inmates property.

Cards with any type of stickers, string, or adhesive will be placed with inmate property if these things can not be removed. 

Only letters, cards, pictures, and money orders are accepted through the mail. Anything else will be placed with the inmates property. 

Soft back books are accepted ONLY if they come directly from the publisher. NO EXCEPTIONS.

No mail from any other correctional facility will be accepted unless previously authorized by the Jail Commander.


 Medications for inmated will be accepted at the jail if they are up to date prescriptions. If they are outdated, they will be refused. The nurse will then go through them and make sure they are ok and then the inmate will start receiving them. 

Inmate medical records will NOT be discussed with anyone unless that person has been authorized previously by the inmate through our medical department or has power of attorney. NO EXCEPTIONS! The jail is not required to release any medical information to anyone.