Carroll County
Sheriff's Office
Delphi, Indiana
Mobile Version Like us on Facebook!

Crime Tips HOTline
(765) 564-2413
Ext. 1

or Submit Via Email

(765) 564-2413
(24 hours)
Dispatch: Ext 1
Jail: Ext 2
Administration: Ext 3

Dial 911

310 W. Main Street
Delphi, Indiana 46923

Admin Office Hours:
M-F 8:00am - 11:45am
1:00pm - 5:00pm

Pay Bonds

We are no longer accepting bonds via the internet. To bond someone out of jail, please come to the Sheriff's Office with the correct amount of money; cash is accepted, as well as, credit card. We do not accept Cashier Checks or Money Orders. Thank you!