SRI takes care of our Sheriff Sales.
Sheriff sales are different than Tax sales. Sheriff sales occur when a home/land has been foreclosed on. Tax sales occur when someone is delinquent on their property taxes.
You can find the homes/land going up for Sheriff's Sale at the following website:
Sheriff sales are all done online the 3rd Wednesday, every other month at 10AM. Sheriff sale listings and dates will be posted in the lobby of the Sheriff's Office, the courthouse and on the above website.
You will have to register to bid. Use the website above and follow the instructions.
If you purchase a home from a Sheriff sale, you must have all of the money by 4PM of that day. Money must be paid by Cashiers check. Payable to Carroll County Sheriff.
If you have further questions feel free to contact our Matron at 765-564-2413 / 3.